Will technology get us back in the air despite COVID-19?

Cate Lawrence
5 min readNov 26, 2020

COVID-19 has had a mammoth impact on the travel industry, with many businesses bankrupt and employees left without work. Border closures have hit the aviation industry hard. Fortunately, image recognition, machine learning, IoT, and location intelligence are creating new travel solutions changing the end-to-end passenger experience.

2020 will be known as the year where tourist flights died a thousand deaths. Airlines filed for bankruptcy, pilots and travel agents looked for new careers, borders closed, and many tourists were left stranded due to canceled flights. COVID-19 created the need for greater hygiene and people monitoring to reduce the spread of the virus. But it’s not completely doom and gloom. Many startups are still hanging in there, and airports and airlines are exploring new technology and partnerships that change how we travel in preparation for a future where passenger numbers return.

For most of us, air travel’s pain points are everything before we climb aboard the plane and after we disembark. Fortunately, when we’re flying again, technology is here to ease the pain.

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Cate Lawrence

Tech journo and writer, based in Berlin, Germany. I don't really write on medium much but you can find me on LinkedIn and Twitter