How the Greek Debt Crisis Created a Thriving Sector of Startups

Cate Lawrence
5 min readMar 30, 2019

In 2015, I met with a group of Greek startups at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona to learn about the new-but-rapidly-expanding startup scene in Greece — particularly Athens and Thessaloniki.

What followed was the creation of many startups — particularly those that required little more than a desk and a laptop. What Greece did have was a highly educated, young population. A lot of the startup founders I spoke to told me that they had nothing to lose in becoming entrepreneurs, as there were no jobs anyway. With many traditional employment pathways gone, over 1000 startups sprung up, along with a burgeoning ecosystem of incubators, venture investors, and university entrepreneurship programs.

From Crisis to Opportunity

Four years later, Greece’s economic situation is improving. Unemployment dropped from 26 percent in 2015 to 18 percent in 2019. Most capital controls have lifted — including the €5000 cash withdrawal limit from banks and cash machines that many startups complained to me about.

I recently visited Athens and found a startup scene that was still flourishing but with one pronounced difference — there was now ample VC funding, increasing the likelihood of success for startups. In 2018, VentureFriends announced new funding of €45…



Cate Lawrence

Tech journo and writer, based in Berlin, Germany. I don't really write on medium much but you can find me on LinkedIn and Twitter