Cate Lawrence
Sep 14, 2022


GREAT article! A few quick thoughts from a journo:

We are ALWAYS looking for experts and industry commentary (for example, I wrote a three-part article on lithium-ion battery fires which involved lots of interviews).

We don’t all cover funding news, but their might be a good founder/customer story or case study?

We might need a bit pf plain language – most general tech publications aim for high school level literacy.

Pictures and diagrams, yes.

We love responses to news, controversies etc.

Start thinking about industry predictions for 2023, most of us do round ups.

If we interview you and publish, please help promote the article. We typically rely on number of reads to cover a topic again.



Cate Lawrence

Tech journo and writer, based in Berlin, Germany. I don't really write on medium much but you can find me on LinkedIn and Twitter